تطوير النظام المحاسبي للشركات باستخدام الحوسبة السحابية – برنامج Xero أنموذجا

  • احمد وجيه مجيد Mosul University, Iraq.
Keywords: Keywords:  accounting system, cloud computing , Xero  program



This research has dealt with one of the aspects of the contemporary technological revolution in the field of accounting represented by cloud computing, and how this development can serve accounting, especially the accounting system that determines the output of accounting, and accounting information. The research then attempts to explain the importance of cloud computing and its role in the development of the accounting system for companies.  For this purpose, the Xero platform has been selected as it is the best and most well-known platform in respect to the presentation of accounting information based on a number of criteria, including flexibility of use, low cost of data security and information integration. The results of the research have shown that the cloud computing platforms in general and the Xero platform in particular play a major role in the development of corporate accounting systems in terms of safety, low cost, maintenance, flexibility of use, integration and timeliness of information display

Keywords:  accounting system, cloud computing , Xero  program
