دور الأساطير في تشكيل العقيدة الدينية دراسة مقارنة بين الأساطير اليونانية والمصرية القديمة

  • الاء عبد الواحد ذنون University of Mosul College of Administration and Economics
Keywords: Keywords: belief, religious myths, Greece, ancient Egyptians, comparative religion




This research aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of myths in shaping religious beliefs in the ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations. Through this analysis, it seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of these symbolic stories on ancient societies and their continuity and influence on modern religious cultures. This study contributes to enhancing the academic understanding of religious beliefs and the importance of myths in building cultural and religious identities. Myths play a fundamental role in shaping religious beliefs and human cultures across ages. This study aims to compare the role of myths in shaping religious beliefs in both ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations. By analyzing the major myths in both civilizations, we seek to understand how these symbolic stories contributed to the formation of religious and intellectual beliefs in ancient societies.

Keywords: belief, religious myths, Greece, ancient Egyptians, comparative religion









