الوصية الواجبة للأحفاد والولد المضموم/ دراسة مقارنة

  • نشوان زكي سليمان University of Mosul, Iraq.
Keywords: opening words: Obligatory will– The grandchildren– The hugged boy– Those entitled to inheritance .



  The obligatory will for grandchildren and stepchildren is one of the issues over which there has been much controversy recently, with both supporters and opponents of legal jurisprudence.Considering that there is no Qur’anic text or Prophetic Sunnah regarding the two wills that permits or prohibits the two wills, but rather came based on jurisprudential and legislative jurisprudence Thinking of achieving the interest of the grandchildren who were deprived of inheritance due to the death of their parents while their grandparents were alive, and also Depriving the child of inheritance because he is an illegitimate child from the estate of those who asked to include him after they raised him and were attached to him throughout their lives, so that they do not suffer from the two calamities of deprivation of inheritance and orphanhood.

opening words: Obligatory will– The grandchildren– The hugged boy– Those entitled to inheritance




